Parkour and Epic Obstacle Blog by Lea Mansson

Parkour and Epic Obstacle Blog by Lea Mansson

Every Tuesday at Grassroots Fitness Project I sit on chairs at 4:25 pm waiting for girls and parkour to start. I am nervous because I have to flip over a bar. I need lots of arm and core strength. I am well prepared for this because I have been jumping over boxes and poles. I have been doing planks and hanging competitions too. Almost every class does some sort of flip like, flips over bars to forward rolls. Normally after every class, I am tired and exhausted but happy.

I also do the epic obstacle every Friday at 3:15pm. It is less hard and you get to go on a rock wall, as well as an obstacle course! You don’t swing on bars to do flips. You just swing and hang on them. The rock wall changes almost every two weeks. There are three routes. 1. A timed one called a bolder dragon. 2. One where you see how few hands you can use called bolder king. 3. And one were you see how few feet you can use called bolder queen. It is really really fun!!!!

-Lea Mansson